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Alexander Lacson

Software Developer - Data Analyst


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Full-stack web development for a children's STEM education franchisee
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Multiplayer Statistics Dashboard Website for Battle for Wesnoth
Wesnoth Dashboard
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Full-stack cross-platform mobile app development for Mapa Web Development
Park King
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Desktop application for printing out cards in Tabletop Simulator
TTS Cards
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Data Visualization for Pazito's Time Tracker
Pazito's Time Tracker



I consider myself a strategic and analytical person. I prefer to make decisions that are informed by data. When I receive information, I like to contextualize it in terms of where it came from and its degree of uncertainty.


I am capable of diving into documentation on my own and figuring out how to use new things. I am also capable of working on my own without needing to be micromanaged.


I believe that innovation only thrives when people feel like they are respected and cared for. People who feel like they do not belong will not share their ideas, or may not even bother to come up with any.

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